Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Writer's Notebook Wednesday

I didn't really write this yet in my notebook but had an idea once I read the challenge this week from Hipwritermama and the Two Writing Teachers. Here is the challenge:
"What are you going to do today, this week, this month, this year, to take yourself seriously? For the sake of your dream?”- HipWriterMama

This year I would really like to challenge myself to start sharing my knowledge with other teachers. I thoroughly enjoyed having a student teacher. I also liked having time to go into other classrooms while she was teaching. I enjoyed sharing with other students via conferencing and also leading mini lessons and sharing time.
I want my work that I have been doing professionally to be taken seriously. I want others to of me when they have questions or want to bounce ideas. I want to be taken seriously in a professional way.
I am also realizing that this challenge is not finished. I haven't the foggiest idea about how this goal will be accomplished or what steps I will take to see it come to fruition. I guess that is what a Writer's Notebook is all about...
If you have a suggestion, leave it in my comments area. (Even if you don't have a suggestion leave a comment. I would love to hear from you!)

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