My subject is the crazy things that kids say, are you amazed at what they say that just land like a thud into your conversations? It makes me really think about what I say to my own children, are my words careful? We never know our impact with words, or their effects long term. Here is the reflection of all that through poetry:
Kids Say
Words I hear all through the day
word from kids, imagine what they say
Words come harsh, words come quick
we never imagine how they'll stick.
Words from mom, words from dad
land on kids leaving 'em forever sad
Words come harsh, words come quick
we never imagine how they'll stick.
Words in haste, words from others
they make waste, oh sisters, brothers
Words come harsh, words come quick
we never imagine how they'll stick.
Words long, left, unsaid
leave the soul, empty, unfed
Words come harsh, words come quick
we never imagin how they'll stick.
Words in joy and hope that are said
words help the empty soul rejoice instead
Words come harsh, words come quick
we never imagine how they'll stick.
Words that build, support, and please, "Come quick!"
Let's imagine the child on whom they'll stick.
Those words come quick...