Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Most of the teachers that I know have read or are currently reading Mosaic of Thought by Ellin Keene and Susan Zimmerman. This book has revolutionalized my approach to the way that I teach Reading comprehension. Because of this book I am going to another school to see a teacher model one of the strategies of comprehension. Did I mention that I am so excited? I am consumed with all that I can scrounge up here and there about the seven strategies of comprehension. I am excited to implement the kind of talk that is going to help my students progress with their reading strategies. Did I mention that I am soooo excited?

This statement, "Did I mention that I am soooo excited?" I was wondering if my students ever say this statement about their learning? I got to asking myself, "why are you so excited?" What is the mystery behind my excitement? It is because I have discovered an answer to a problem. I didn't say that it was the answer but I am willing to give it a whirl.

How can I create this in my classroom? How can I help my students problem solve when they come to text that is hard to infer? How can I create the excitement that resonates throughout the year and keeps them coming back for more? These are the questions that I am pondering.

Did I mention that I was sooooo excited?


Jen Barney said...
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Jen Barney said...

Your excitement for learning spills into your classroom. Your students become excited because they see your love for learning! You do that everyday...

Cathy said...

Reading Workshop has allowed my passion to come alive once again for teaching. I am amazed at my kids' thinking this year and the great things they have to say. It's so neat to be able to read what other teachers are doing with this to help add to our classrooms.

I am curious as to what school you are visiting?

Sarah Amick said...

Glenwood Park, Here in the Fort!